OBTAmistic News


December 21, 2015 - Prof. Katarzyna Marciniak received a European Research Council Consolidator Grant

European Research Council (ERC) awarded a Consolidator Grant to Prof. Katarzyna Marciniak. This is the first grant of this kind in the Humanities in Poland. The project "Our Mythical Childhood... The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges" will be supported for five years. More information on the website of the University of Warsaw.


June 3, 2015 - Dr. Hanna Paulouskaya has been awarded a Prime Minister's Prize for the best doctoral dissertations

Dr. Hanna Paulouskaya received a Prime Minister of Poland's Prize for her dissertation prepared at the Faculty of "Artes Liberales" under supervision by Prof. Jerzy Axer and Prof. Zbigniew Kloch, Grodzieńskie kroniki klasztorne XVII i XVIII wieku. Formy gatunkowe i aspekty komunikacyjne.


December 5, 2014 - Prof. Anna Skolimowska has been awarded the "Studia Źródłoznawcze” Prize of Stefan Krzysztof Kuczyński

Prof. Anna Skolimowska received the "Studia Źródłoznawcze" Prize of Stefan Krzysztof Kuczyński, First Class, for the year 2013 in the category "Sources Edition" for the book Corpus Epistularum Ioannis Dantisci. Pt. 2, Amicorum sermones mutui, Vol. 3 Epistulae Alphonsi Valdesii et Ioannis Dantisci (Ioannes Dantiscus’ correspondence with Alfonso de Valdés. Supplement: Ioannes Dantiscus’ Correspondence with Juan de Valdés and Mercurino Arborio di Gattinara), ed. Anna Skolimowska, Warsaw-Cracow 2013.
© Ośrodek Badań nad Tradycją Antyczną
Zdjęcie teatru w Dodonie: Przemysław Kordos
Projekt strony: Rafał Łempicki